Introduction and Version 0.5.5 Release

Hello everyone! 

In my excitement to finally release my game to the public I forgot to make an announcement post. Whoops!

Welcome to Fell Orison - Rise of Kings! 

What originally started as idle spriting for art practice quickly evolved into a full-fledged game idea as I fell in love with my character designs. Over the course of a month I went from 4 playable characters to 7, from pickup based subweapons to always available swapping, and from a random idea to a small working proof of concept with about half of a stage. Then I shelved it and went to work on other projects that went nowhere. Fast forward one year and I found my little testing project again and remembered how much fun I was having with it. Over the next 6 months I would on and off add more and more content to the project until over the holidays I finally put in the ending to the game.  And so here we are, with yesterday's release of my first game ever.

Today I've released a minor patch to the game. Don't let the version number fool you though, despite not being a V1.0+ update, the game is fully playable and contains all the features I originally envisioned (and more). The reason for it still being V0.x is that I consider the game to be in early access currently. I'm looking for feedback on basically every aspect of the game, as I have ideas for a sequel in the works and want to be able to make both games as quality as possible.

V0.5.5 changes include:

  • New health bar for parts of second stage's boss.
  • Fixed some offsets so objects and enemies don't float a couple pixels off the floor.

Get Fell Orison - Rise of Kings

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